by izad | Feb 4, 2021 | Announcement
Assalamualaikum and greetings,  Dear UTM Researchers, The late Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh was the 18thDirector of Institute for Medical Research (IMR) and a prominent medical research scientist that had made invaluable contributions in the medical field and scientific...
by izad | Jan 26, 2021 | Announcement
Salam YBhg. Datuk/Prof/Dr/Tuan/Puan/Saudara, Â Smart Farming Innovations for Small-Scale Producers Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks Smart Farming solutions that leverage digital technology innovations that have the potential to drive positive impact for small scale...
by izad | Jan 20, 2021 | Announcement
Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Sejahtera,  Penyelidik yang dihormati,  Yayasan Penyelidikan Otak, Minda dan Neurosains Malaysia (YPOMNM) ingin menawarkan Geran Insentif Penyelidikan Kitar 1-2020 kepada semua penyelidik warganegara Malaysia yang berkebolehan dalam...
by izad | Dec 30, 2020 | Announcement
Penerima Dana Penyelidikan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (DP KPT Fasa 1/2011 – Fasa 1/2016) Bersama-sama ini dipanjangkan makluman berhubung penghantaran laporan akhir bagi Dana Penyelidikan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (DP KPT) bagi Fasa 1/2011- Fasa 1/2016....
by izad | Dec 9, 2020 | Announcement
Dear UTM Researchers,  The European Commission has launched a €1 billion call for research and innovation projects that respond to the climate crisis. The Horizon 2020-funded European Green Deal Call has officially opened. Visit our page to find out more about the...
by izad | Nov 8, 2020 | Announcement
Dear UTM Researchers, The Ministry of Higher Education and Malaysian Industry Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) are inviting Malaysian researchers to apply for the Malaysia-Spain Innovating Programme (MySIP) Research Grant. It is a joint programme between...